
First Boss_

Dorry was such an interesting man with a life full of memories, experiences, and achievements. While I only worked for him for six months I feel I learned quite a bit about him and we shared many meaningful conversations. He told me about the different places he traveled and the different kind of lives he’s led. He told me a story of him and Sean going to a doughnut shop and how he bought every doughnut in the store so the jerk behind him wouldn’t be served. He told me how his son died at a young age and showed me the child’s jacket that he’s kept all these years. He told me how there have been times when he’s wanted to give up on life, but instead of seeing his disability as a handicap he pushed through and accomplished more things than most people will ever accomplish in their lifetime. While Dorry was not perfect he truly was an inspiration to always persevere and never let yourself play the victim. I will miss him, not only as a boss, but as a friend.

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